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Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken, Principal Consultant at Five Oaks Consulting, joined Chris Meyer zu Natrup, MD of MzN International, for a 3-part short podcast series in which they had candid, thought-provoking – and somewhat provocative – conversations about the future of the nonprofit sector and the mindsets and mental models that shape the organisations of today.
Now they are back with a live Q&A session eager to your questions pertaining to: 
NGO innovation, in particular:
  • if nonprofits are at risk of becoming obsolete
  • what NGOs need to do to survive and thrive in a modern, digital world
  • what leaders can do to transform their organisations into better-equipped problem solvers and innovators in uncertain times
NGO funding, in particular:
  • the never-ending funding cycle and the seemingly outdated business model which most NGOs are forced to adopt
  • why some organisations continue to grow while others stagnate
  • what NGO leaders can do to make their funding and business models more sustainable
NGO impact, in particular:
  • if nonprofits can truly make and measure the impact they set out to achieve
  • why some organisations do not create the impact they desire despite the time and expenses they invest in their programs
  • what NGOs can do to create a more learning- and evidence-driven culture
Please submit your questions for Tosca and Chris here in advance. We look forward to seeing you there!

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