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NGOs are natural allies to the climate movement. Yet whichever sector we work in, climate change will impact, or already is impacting, every one of us, the lives we touch, and all of the projects and campaigns we work on.

To step up and ‘be the change we want to see’ is not only ethically the right thing to do, but donors are expecting it from across the sector. And, by taking action, we can help prepare our organisations for an uncertain future.

In this webinar we discuss how climate change is relevant to your NGO and what your organisation can do to respond to the climate emergency by taking both carbon-reduction actions while making your organisation and those you work with on the ground more resilient to the climate crisis.

Who should join: Non-profit professionals who want to create more environmentally sustainable NGOs.

You can submit your questions in advance, or ask them during or after the presentation.

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