Fundraising support 15 june 2022

By |2022-06-15T09:20:27+02:0015 June 2022|

Fundraising support

We run effective digital campaigns raising unrestricted funding for NGOs worldwide.

The first step is focussed on giving donors an engaging and empathy driving experience and, making it easier and more rewarding in supporting your cause. Our fundraising solutions integrate all aspects needed, from campaign strategy, to design to payment solutions.

Our digital fundraising campaigns are developed together with you, driven by artificial intelligence, to optimize investments and smart integrations and work long term to raise funds successfully from Individuals, Corporates, Companies and Foundations globally.

Any other questions?2022-06-15T09:14:06+02:00

Schedule an introductory call here.

Where are you based?2022-06-16T12:23:18+02:00

We closed our last physical office in 2018 to become 100% digital and agile. This also helps us to attract a more balanced and diverse workforce and makes our jobs more attractive to experienced staff with carer and other responsibilities. Finally, it keeps our costs down, which results in lower rates. Our staff is strategically hired across the globe to provide support in all major time zones. 

Which languages do you support?2022-06-15T09:10:33+02:00

Our proposal writing services are delivered in English, Spanish, French and German. Campaigns can be run in any language.

Can you help me write a budget for a proposal?2022-06-16T12:21:45+02:00

Yes. Our cost & finance experts have extensive experience in this area. Our research also indicates that an incomplete budget is the second biggest reason a proposal is doomed to fail. It pays getting that one right! 

I have got a proposal due soon. When should I call you?2022-06-16T12:20:35+02:00

Whilst our services are designed for long-term success, we can support ad-hoc proposal and campaign design in some cases.

What is your win rate on proposals?2022-06-15T09:00:41+02:00

We monitor this very carefully and our win rate is about 25% above the sector average. Depending on donor and technical area, the sector average ranges between 20% and 30%.

How long does the contract run for?2022-06-15T08:58:52+02:00

You can cancel at any time with 30 days notice to the next calendar month’s end.

How much does it cost?2022-06-16T12:19:07+02:00

The minimum cost per month is EUR2,750. The maximum depends on the level of work agreed. To ensure complete cost control, costs are fixed and agreed on in advance. On average, the cost of our services is more cost effective than hiring relevant staff. We do not work on a win-based model.

Which technical areas do you work in?2022-06-16T12:18:26+02:00

We are donor and fundraising experts. Our donor expertise is well established and proven, especially regarding the donors shown here. Our digital fundraising experts have run successful campaigns across the globe and use AI-driven tools to constantly improve earnings. 

Our team has expertise in a range of technical sector areas, including agriculture, economic growth, education, start-up support, WASH, food security, humanitarian aid, DRR, governance, advocacy, human rights and many others. 

How does your team work with my team?2022-06-16T09:10:05+02:00

We partner with you for long-term success in building a sustainable income stream by submitting winning proposals and running campaigns that work. Our team of about 30 experienced proposal writers and fundraisers have extensive experience across most thematic areas to capture your unique impact point, manage a proposal pipeline, support (or do) the technical writing, provide short-term surge capacity and run long-term fundraising campaigns. 

In all that, we partner with respect, empathy and your financial aim clearly in focus. The work is always led by a senior staff member with at least 15 years of experience. 

What is MzN’s funding-for-NGOs support?2022-06-16T12:13:52+02:00

Good impact projects need good funding. We help to secure funding and build a sustainable income stream in two ways. First, we secure funding through grants and donor contracts by identifying suitable opportunities, helping to write winning proposals and supporting negotiations. Secondly, we design digital fundraising strategies, run complete campaigns and constantly improve them to secure unrestricted funding for our clients. 

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