Topic 3: Prep documents (Compliance matrix, Proposal outline, Page budget, Proposal timeline)

Before diving into the detailed drafting of a project proposal, it’s essential to lay the groundwork with several key preparation documents. These documents serve as foundational tools to streamline the proposal development process, ensuring clarity, coherence, and alignment with donor requirements. Let’s explore the purpose and components of four crucial preparation documents: the Compliance Matrix, Proposal Outline, Page Budget, and Proposal Timeline.

Compliance matrix

The Compliance Matrix serves as a roadmap for ensuring that the proposal aligns with the specific requirements and criteria set forth by the donor or funding agency.List of donor requirements: A comprehensive breakdown of all stipulated criteria, including technical, financial, and administrative requirements.

Compliance status: An assessment of whether each requirement has been met or addressed within the proposal.

References: Cross-references to sections within the proposal where each requirement is addressed, facilitating easy verification by reviewers.

Proposal outline

The Proposal Outline provides a structured framework for organising the content and flow of the proposal, ensuring coherence and completeness.Executive summary: A concise overview of the project, highlighting its objectives, significance, and anticipated outcomes.

Introduction: Background information on the problem statement, rationale for the project, and context.

Objectives and goals: Clear articulation of the project’s overarching goal and specific objectives.

Strategies and activities: Detailed description of the planned interventions, methods, and approaches.

Results framework: Presentation of the anticipated impacts, outputs, and outcomes of the project.

Budget: Breakdown of anticipated expenses, including personnel, equipment, supplies, and overhead costs.

Monitoring and evaluation plan: Outline of strategies for tracking progress, assessing outcomes, and ensuring accountability.

Sustainability plan: Strategies for ensuring the long-term viability and impact of the project beyond its implementation period.

Conclusion: Summary of key points and a call to action for support or funding.

Proposal timeline

The Proposal Timeline outlines the projected timeline for project implementation, indicating key milestones and deadlines.Project phases: Breakdown of the project into distinct phases or stages, such as planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Milestones: Major events or achievements throughout the project lifecycle, including deliverables, evaluations, and reporting deadlines.

Duration: Estimated duration for each project phase or milestone, expressed in weeks, months, or specific dates.

Dependencies: Identification of any interdependencies or sequential relationships between project activities or milestones.

These preparation documents serve as invaluable tools for streamlining the proposal development process, fostering alignment with donor requirements, and enhancing the clarity and coherence of the final proposal. By investing time and effort in preparing these foundational documents, project proponents can lay a solid groundwork for crafting a compelling and persuasive project proposal.


Prepare your proposal plan

In the following activity, you will have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive proposal plan for your project by following these steps:

Step 1: Identify an open opportunity

Step 2: Review the call for proposals/guidelines for applicants

Step 3: Assess the relevance of the opportunity to your organisation

Step 4: Identify your problem statement and intervention strategy

Step 5: Prepare the compliance matrix

Step 6: Draft your proposal outline

Step 7: Make sure you respect the limits set re. word count/document length

Step 8: Prepare a detailed proposal timeline including the responsible parties and deadlines.

By following these steps and instructions, you will be well-equipped to develop a strong and well-structured proposal plan for your project. Once you have prepared your plan, share it with a peer for review. 

Video 3: Funding cycles


Welcome to our interactive live session on “Introducing Key Elements of Proposal writing, including budgeting and preparatory documents”! In today’s fast-paced world of project funding, the ability to craft a compelling and comprehensive proposal is essential for securing support and resources. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the field, this webinar is designed to equip you with the essential tools and insights needed to navigate the proposal writing process effectively.

Throughout this session, we will focus on the intricacies of the proposal process, with particular attention to the preparatory documents that lay the groundwork for a successful proposal. From identifying funding opportunities to compiling the final submission, we’ll walk you through each step of the process and highlight the importance of thorough preparation.

But this webinar isn’t just about theory – it’s about practical application. Throughout the session, we’ll engage in interactive exercises and case studies to illustrate best practices and real-world examples. By the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of how to create a persuasive and well-rounded proposal that resonates with funders and stakeholders.

So, whether you’re seeking funding for a new project, looking to refine your proposal writing skills, or simply curious about the process, we invite you to join us on this informative journey. Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to successful proposal writing together!

Date: Wednesday 22nd May – 13h00-14h00 CET

Topic: Decision making and the proposal process.

Link: Click on the link below to join the Webinar

Webinar link

u003ca href=u0022 href=u0022 Topic 3: Prep documents (Compliance matrix, Proposal outline, Page budget, Proposal timeline)

Host: Hande Akpinar


As we conclude this module, it is evident that successful project proposal development requires a thorough understanding of funding cycles, meticulous attention to proposal design, and the strategic utilisation of preparation documents. By mastering these essential components, as an organisation you can enhance your ability to secure funding, drive meaningful change, and achieve sustainable development outcomes.